Meditation Prompt: Listening

Meditation Prompt No.2. Listening. Nature asked an interesting question and gave a beautiful response in way of illustration. “What are you listening to?” I was hiking in my usual spot. It was so different this winter - quiet, just me crunching brown dead leaves and snow under my boots. Now green leaves, soft grasses, flowers, butterflies, frogs, and birds, birds, birds. So lively and filled with happy sound. We create visually beautiful, esthetic environments in which to live, wrapping ourselves in lovely colors, flowing draperies, warm, cool, angular, soft. In contrast, we do not pay much attention to our sound environment. Often we are not even aware of it unless someone is yelling, or car horns are blaring. When I ask, people can’t tell me if there was music playing, or if the acoustics created a sense of safety and calm. Our environments are either completely chaotic or silent.

Noise impacts us. The constant bombardment of noise throughout the day in conversation, phone calls, television, podcasts, road noise, machinery, humming lights, etc. creates stress. It triggers the body to produce adrenaline and cortisol. It contributes to heart disease. It impairs our sleep. It is not healthy.

I stood next to this little stream, birds singing in the background, wondering what kind of sound environment I create for myself in my home. Do I subject my auditory senses to peaceful sounds? Do I make time for music? Do the acoustics foster a place of safety and relaxation? It’s a great question. As you listen to this short meditation, notice what sounds are in your environment as well as the birdsongs in the video. Take a breath!

Meditation Prompt No. 2 Listening

Prompt: What kinds of noise impact me on a daily basis? Is this noise uplifting or stress-producing? How can I include more moments of healthy sound in my day?


Meditation Prompt: Flow


Meditation Prompt: Creativity