What is NOW? Blog


“What is NOW?” is where I post my thoughts about the current season and places and experiences, as well as other news related to my business. “A personal note” gives me space to share things I am grappling with on my personal journey (which you can access in the website footer).

We are an aspect of nature. I find in my hikes and travels that nature reflects our processes back to us as the seasons change and as we progress from place to place. Tapping into this wisdom is an incredible tool because it holds up a mirror that reveals our very core: growth, potential, journey, identified by changes in light, the activities of season and the character of place.

In the western, technological world we have separated ourselves so thoroughly from Nature’s cycles and rhythms that we don’t even know what we are missing. We, too, have cycles and rhythms but we behave as if the cycle is work work work, from sun-up to sun-down, squeeze in exercise, dinner or family. Once in a while we take a vacation from the grind, if we are lucky. Then right back to it. What if we listened more closely to our own rhythms and our own seasons? What if we understood how the change of light affects us? What if we stepped out of our normal environment and experienced wonder and connection with a greater universe?

I believe we would be healthier in body, mind and heart. If we would harmonize with the seasons we might not constantly fight against the currents that naturally flow through us. Of course we have to work to live. But how can we replace the stress of the modern jungle with integrity, inspiration, interconnectedness? I believe when we pay attention to the wealth of information in our natural environments, we can learn to listen to our own personal ecosystems. Instead of always seeking validation from others, begin to understand the wealth of information within.

Create a deep relationship with the great outdoors. Nature will teach us to create a deep relationship with ourselves by illuminating the rhythms of the current season and reflecting back to us what we need to know.

Just a thought.




My Friend Jeff